Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hatian Response to the US's occupation of their country

Based on the letters and speeches made by Charlemagne Peralte, it would appear that the people of Hati did not respond positivly to the US's presence on the Island.

The first example of this is the Background information for the 1915 Letters from Charlemagne, which details the US Marines's presense in the Capitol. The Marines stationed in Port-au-Prince "ruthlessly subduing armed resistance" and enforced a harsh Marital Law. It is the combonation of the harsh Marshal Law and the subduing of any armed resistance that caused a strong dislike in the Hatian people towards the Marines.

Another example of this is a letter sent in 1915 by Peralte, which was intended to inspired a revolution in Hati. The letters says that the people were "poor and the occupation still opresses us with taxes." He also talks about the US troops burning wooden houses to keep the City (Port-au-prince) "beautiful". Finally, Peralte calls President Wilson in his letter a "traitor, bandit, trouble maker and thief."

Finally, it is Peralte's letter to the The French foriegn minister in Hati that detail's that he has support for his cause, showing the people of Hati's dislike for their occupiers. When he refers to the Americans, he talks about their actions "barbarian acts", implying that the US troops are abusing their power and attacking the citizens of Hati. He also claims that the US has seized control of the country from the Hatian parliment, pointing to the conclusion that the Resistance force believes that is is taking the country back from the Americans.

It is because of the evidence taken from Charlemagne Peralte's letters to an un-identified recipiant and to the French foriegn minister in Hati, it can be assumed that the people of Hati extremely dislike the US Marine's presence in Port-au-prince.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Today in History Class

Today in history class, we went over the condition of the south post-civil war era. First, we looked at statistics that gave us an accurate view of the destruction caused by Sherman and other Union forces in the South.
From here, we did a worksheet where we thought about how the southerners felt after the destruction of the south.

Finally, we looked at the Black Codes, a group of rules devised by a town in Louisiana, which told us how the southerners treated the newly freed slaves and basically re-created slavery without using the term slavery.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

History Class update (1/3/2013)

In the last two days of History, we approached the turning point of the Civil War. On Wednesday, we got into the Emancipation Proclamation and the effects of which it had upon the country. At the time of its initiation into US law, the document didn't do what most people now think it did. In reality, the Emancipation Proclamation didn't free a single slave. The Proclamation didn't apply to the Border states which were still loyal to the Union or to the territories captured by the Union before the Emancipation Proclamation took place. And in the Confederacy, the people were pro-slavery and at the time considered themselves an Independent country from the US, so the US government, and therefore The Emancipation Proclamation had no power there. But in today's class, we learned there is still a reason to celebrate it. The document won over African-Americans and soon the first all African-American unit, the 54th Massachusetts regiment was formed. At first, all the African-American soldiers were considered a massive Show-piece, as they were not used in combat. But per the request of the leader of the 54th Richard Gould Shaw and other abolitionists, the 54th Regiment went into battle, fighting to take Fort Wagner. And while the base remained in Confederate hands for the entire duration of the war, troops gained more respect for the African-American soldiers, as they had now joined the fight to free their people, and were no longer show-pieces. And that is what I learned in History Class.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Who Had the advantage in the Civil War?

Due to the information recieved from the Google Presentation we did last Friday, I would think that the Union had the advantage in the Civil war. They had a stranglehold on manufacturing, transportation (such as Railways) and had enough food to feed their army. The south on the other hand, may have had enough cotton to keep making uniforms for their soldiers, they were severly lacking in all other areas, except, of course, military training. It is because of what I read from our slide show that I believe that The Union had the advantage in the Civil War.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Recap of events

Today in class, we went to the library and learned about the Missouri Comprimise.

In 1820, US congress passed the Missouri Comprimise was passed, making Missouri a slave state, but also halting all expansion of slavery to the west. That contained slavery to the south, which helped with the process of the abolition of slavery.

We also learned that there were more slaves in the south than free African-Americans in the northern states.

We also learned that there were also more people in the south than in the north, which may have been the cause of the form of slavery that was seen in Missouri being similar to the slavery seen in southern states.

That is what I learned in History class today when we went to the library.

Friday, November 2, 2012

What I want to try for 30 days

After watching the TED talk video in class, I thought about the things I wanted to try for 30 days.

1. I want to try to write a novel. I have an idea and the video gave me some inspiration to try and write about it.
2. I would like to learn a bit of Russian. I think that would be cool to learn, seeing as it's a language the school doesn't offer and one that we don't really use a lot in everyday life.
3. Finally, I would like to do a bit more walking. I walk a bunch in school everyday when it comes to getting from class to class. But maybe, I would say try walking 10,000 steps a day. Using what the guy said about the writing as inspiration, I wouldn't go to sleep until I knew I walked 10,000 steps that day. And while I'm not sure how I going to measure my steps, I think once I cross that bridge, it would really be helpful to me.

And those are my three goals which I would like to try and accomplish for thirty days.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Time Toast Project

<object width="550" height="400"><param name="movie" value="http://www.timetoast.com/flash/TimelineViewer.swf?passedTimelines=408435" /><param name="passedTimelines" value="408435" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.timetoast.com/flash/TimelineViewer.swf?passedTimelines=408435" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" passedTimelines="408435" width="550" height="400" allowScriptAccess="always" /></object>

If Embed doesn't work:


(P.S If any date says it's the first of the month on any of the dates and it's not specifically described as being the first in the text following, that means that I could not find an exact date.)